JUMP TOGetting StartedWelcome to Simpplr’s Extensibility CenterHow do I start using the Extensibility CenterHow do I call Simpplr APIs from my custom codeCreating & Configuring a Connected App in SalesforceAuthenticating via an External ApplicationAPIsSitesCreate a SitepostAdd a Member to a SitepostAdd a Follower to a SitepostGet Site by IDgetSearch for SitesgetGet Files from a SitegetUpdate a SiteputUpdate Site as activeputRemove a Member from a SitedeleteRemove a Follower from a SitedeletePeopleSearch for PeoplegetSearch for People by IDgetUpdate PeopleputContentCreate a PagepostCreate an EventpostContent ApprovalpostValidate a contentpostSearch for ContentsgetSearch for Page CategoriespostSearch for a Page by IDgetSearch for an Event by IDgetFetch video MetadatagetFetch all content for approvalgetGet must read ContentgetGet all EventsgetUpdate a PageputUpdate an EventputDelete a Content by IDdeleteDelete an Event by IDdeleteDelete Album Images by IdsdeleteSearchSearch within a SectiongetAutocompletegetSearch within FeedgetAlertsCreate an AlertpostSearch for AlertsgetUpdate an AlertputExpire an AlertputDelete an AlertdeleteNotificationsCreate a NotificationpostSearch for NotificationsgetUpdate a NotificationputBlogsCreate a BlogpostGet Blog By IDgetUpdate a BlogputDelete a BlogdeleteCarouselGet Carousel datagetAnalyticsApp Adoption DatagetApp Adoption AveragegetApp Page ViewsgetApp AdoptiongetGet Views ListgetContent EngagementgetContent PublicationsgetContent Views by TypegetContent Views ListgetContent Referral SourcesgetKnowledge Page StatsgetNews LettersgetSocial EngagementgetSocial Engagement ListgetCampaignsgetSearchesgetSearch ListgetSearches PerformedgetPeople CountgetPeople PerformancegetProfile CompletenessgetSite CountgetLow-Activity-SitesgetSite PopularitygetSite PublicationgetAudienceAdd AudiencepostUpdate AudienceputDelete AudiencedeleteMedia attachments - Content & BlogsUpload and Attach MediaContent Engagementget https://api.ec.simpplr.com/api/analytics/content-engagementUse this API to get Content Engagement Data